Photo: Professor Director, Urban & Metropolitan Studies Contact info Email: Office: 207 Geography-Geology Bldg, 210 Field Street, Athens, Georgia 30602 Research Interests: Urban, Race and Racialization, Inequality, Housing, Labor, Urban Nature Potential Graduate Students: I am interested in talking with potential graduate students. I have a long track record of successfully advising graduate students at the master's and doctoral levels. I work with a broad range of students who utilize many different approaches to research. About half of my students have used qualitative research approaches, and about half have used quantitative / statistical approaches. All of the students I work with are well trained and meaningfully engage with socially impactful topics grounded in theory. Substantively, I am happy to talk with potential students who seek to produce high-quality research on topics broadly related to my research interests. In particular, my recent work has broadly considered issues related to urban nature, and I would like to work with motivated students with similar interests. Education Education: PhD (1993), University of Wisconsin - Madison: Geography (Sociology minor) MA (1988), University of Georgia: Geography BA (1984), California State University, Chico: Geography Grant Support Grants: External Sources: “Community Context and Violence: African American Youth Transitioning to Adulthood,” 2009-2012, Co-Investigator (with Ronald Simons, Principle Investigator & Leslie Simons, Co-Investigator), Competitive Cooperative Agreement with Centers for Disease Control, $1,049,978. “Collaborative Research: The Mixed-Race Household in Residential Space: Neighborhood Context, Segregation, and Multiracial Identities, 1990-2000,” 2004-2009, Collaborating Principle Investigator (with Mark Ellis & Richard Wright), National Science Foundation, $324,764 (UGA portion: $131,950). “Sociocultural and Community Risk and Protective Factors for Child Maltreatment and Youth Violence,” 2004-2009, Co-Investigator (with Ronald Simons, Principle Investigator, Leslie Simons, Gene Brody, Velma McBride-Murry, Frederick Gibbons and Thomas McNulty, Co-Investigators), Competitive Cooperative Agreement with Centers for Disease Control, $1,978,700. “Hispanic Engagement with the Environment,” 2004-2006, Collaborating PI (with Hilda Kurtz & Cassandra Johnson), Cooperative Agreement with US Forest Service, $37,800 (w/ $3,780 supplement). “‘Marrying Out’ and Fitting In: Interracial Households, Residential Segregation, and the Identity of Multiracial Children,” 2001-2004, Collaborating Principle Investigator (with Mark Ellis & Richard Wright), Russell Sage Foundation, $294,767. “FHA, Neighborhood Dynamics, and Housing Market Segmentation,” 2000-2001, Contributing Investigator, with Elvin K. Wyly (PI) & Bradley Scriber, Ford Foundation (#1005-1398), $54,751. “The Top Ten Neighborhoods for Affordable Homeownership,” 2000, Contributing Investigator, with Elvin K. Wyly (PI), Thomas J. Cooke, & Daniel J. Hammel, Fannie Mae Foundation, $25,000. “Expanding Mortgage and Homeownership Opportunities III: The Color of Money Revisited,” 1998-1999, Contract Investigator for David Listokin (PI) & Elvin K. Wyly (Co-PI), Fannie Mae Foundation. Graduate Student External Research Grants I Supervised: Doctoral Dissertation Research: “Defining Racial Identity and Addressing Hunger through Black Religious Food Programs,” 2009-2011 with Hilda Kurtz (co-advisor) & Priscilla McCutcheon (student Co-PI), National Science Foundation, $12,000. Doctoral Dissertation Research: “Prisoner Location and the Decennial Census,” 2007-2009, with Matthew Mitchelson (student Co-PI), National Science Foundation, $12,000. Doctoral Dissertation Research: “Sweet Auburn: Contesting the Racial Identity of Atlanta's Historically Significant African American Neighborhood,” 2005-2007, with Joshua Inwood (student Co-PI), National Science Foundation, $10,236. Doctoral Dissertation Research: “Situating Multiethnic Racial Identity in Neighborhood Contexts: White/Mexican Mixed-Race Families in Los Angeles,” 2004-2006, with Margaret A. Hudson (student Co-PI), National Science Foundation, $12,000. Doctoral Dissertation Research: “The Power of Place: Ethnic Urban Geographies and the Negotiation of Central American Immigrant Identities in Atlanta, GA.,” 2004-2006, with Robert Yarbrough (student Co-PI), National Science Foundation, $12,000. Internal Sources: “Faith and Neighborhood Change in the American City,” 2013, Provost Summer Research Grant, University of Georgia, $5,000. “Proposal to Study Child & Family Science as a Second Discipline,” 2004-2005, Study in a Second Discipline Program, University of Georgia, $20,000 to home department for 4-course teaching release. “Constructing Racial and Spatial Identities: Residential Choice by Interracial Couples,” 2000, Mentoring Fellowship Program, Institute for Behavioral Research, University of Georgia, $3,000. “Conflicted Racial and Spatial Identities: Neighborhood Choice and Settlement Patterns for Interracial Couples in Los Angeles, CA,” 2000, Faculty Research Grant, University of Georgia Research Foundation, $5,175. “Public Housing and the Neighborhood Distribution of Crime in Atlanta, Georgia,” 1998, Collaborating PI with Thomas L. McNulty, M. G. Michael Award, University of Georgia, $2,500. “The Effect of Adolescent Neighborhood Poverty on Adult Employment,” 1997, PI with Stephen Mulherin, Center for Labor Research, OSU, $20,603. “Lending Institutions and the Community: An Analysis of Mortgage Lending in Columbus, Ohio,” 1996, Committee on Urban Affairs and the Urban Assistance Program, OSU, $20,000. Small Grant, 1994, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, OSU, $1,000. “Race and Redlining: A Contextual Analysis of Mortgage Lending Discrimination in Ohio's Metropolitan Areas,” 1994, PI with Mark Listermann, Committee on Urban Affairs and the Urban Assistance Program, OSU, $19,915. “Metropolitan Spatial Structure and the Employment of Male Youths,” 1994, Center for Labor Research, OSU, $19,426. “Metropolitan Economic Structure and the Earnings of Male Youths,” 1994, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, OSU, $15,304. Of Note Of note: Online Learning Fellow, Center for Teaching & Learning, University of Georgia (2013) Innovation in Multicultural Curriculum Award, Franklin College of Arts & Sciences, University of Georgia (2013-2014) Benjamin and Louise Carroll Distinguished Visiting Professor In Urban Studies, University of Oregon (2009) Fellow, Institute for Behavioral Research, University of Georgia (2001-present) Fellow, Study in a Second Discipline Program, University of Georgia (2004-2005) Mentoring Fellow, Institute for Behavioral Research, University of Georgia (2001-2002) M.G. Michael Fellow, University of Georgia (1998) Course Instruction Courses Regularly Taught: GEOG 3630 GEOG 3633 GEOG 4/6631 GEOG 6910 GEOG 8630 GEOG 8910 Research Selected Publications: Books: Kaplan, David H. and Steven R. Holloway, 2024. Urban Geography, 4th edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons Kaplan, David H.; Steven R. Holloway, and James O. Wheeler, 2014. Urban Geography, 3rd edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons Kaplan, David H.; James O. Wheeler; and Steven R. Holloway, 2008. Urban Geography, 2nd edition New York: John Wiley & Sons Kaplan, David H.; James O. Wheeler; and Steven R. Holloway, 2004. Urban Geography, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kaplan, David H., and Steven R. Holloway, 1998. Segregation in Cities Washington DC: Association of American Geographers. Chapters in Books: Shepherd, Marshall,