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Thomas Mote

Distinguished Research Professor
Associate Vice President for Instruction

Contact info

Room 213, Geog-Geol Bldg, 210 Field Street, Athens, Georgia 30602
Room 310, New College, 205 Herty Drive, Athens, Georgia, 30602
Phone Number:
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I am a hydroclimate scientist and geographer who works at the intersection of the atmosphere, cryosphere, and hydrosphere. Much of my scholarship examines the role of atmospheric circulation on extremes in rainfall, snowfall, and ice ablation. For more than two decades, I have studied the climate of the polar regions, particularly the role of climate change and variability on the surface mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet. More recent work has taken me to the Caribbean, where I study the impact of climate change, land cover change, and atmospheric aerosols on precipitation and drought. Ongoing projects are supported by grants from NSF, NOAA, and NASA.

  • Ph.D. (1994), University of Nebraska

Selected grants

Tedesco, M., J. Cohen, and T. Mote (Co-PI). Collaborative Research: Exploring tropospheric and stratospheric pathways linking sea ice and snow cover changes to Greenland surface mass balance. National Science Foundation, 2019–2021.

Pringle, C., A. Covich, T. Mote, and F. Ballantyne. LTER 5b: Understanding environmental change in northeast Puerto Rico. Subaward from University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, 2016–2019.

Mote, T. (PI), K. Arrigo, R. Castelao, Å Rennermalm, M. Tedesco, and P. Yager. “From the ice sheet to the sea: An interdisciplinary study of the impact of extreme melt on ocean stratification and productivity near West Greenland.” National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2014–2018.

Robinson, D., G. Henderson, D. Leathers, and T. Mote (Co-PI), “Toward improved understanding of extreme snow melt runoff events under past, present, and future climate.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2014–2018.

Mishra, D., A. Burd, D. Cotten, M. Shepherd, J. Jambeck, M. Adams, M. Madden, and T. Mote (Co-PI). Digital orbital analysis of water resources for Georgia. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2016–2017.

Robinson, D., and T. Mote (Co-PI), “Snow ablation characteristics and melt-discharge relationships in the Columbia Basin.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2014–2015.

Pringle, C., A. Covich, and T. Mote. LTER 5a: Understanding environmental change in northeast Puerto Rico. Subaward from University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, 2012–2015.

Mote, T. (PI). “Role of fog and wildland fire smoke in fatal motor vehicle accidents in the southeastern U.S.” USDA Forest Service, 2011–2013.

Mote, T., (PI) and J.M. Shepherd. “Regional climate simulations of southern forests.” USDA Forest Service, 2009–2011.

Dupigny-Giroux, L.-A., M. Raphael, J.M. Shepherd, and T. Mote (Co-PI). “Creating a diversity climate network (D-ClimNet) to enhance the climate sciences pipeline of minority students from high school to graduate school.” National Science Foundation, 2009–2012.

Bollinger, J.S., A. Garrett, A. Grundstein, T. Mote (Co-I), J.M. Shepherd, and T. Rasmussen. “Integrated hydrologic/hydrodynamic modeling system for collection of pollutant signatures.” Department of Energy, 2008–2011.

Robinson, D.A., M.R. Anderson, S. Drobot, D.K. Hall, and T. Mote (Co-PI). “Development of Northern Hemisphere snow and ice climate data records.” National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2008–2013.

Robinson, D.A., and Mote, T. (Co-PI). “Global monitoring of continental snow cover combining satellite and in-situ sources.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2004–2007.

Robinson, D.A., D.J. Leathers, T. Mote (Co-PI), and A. Grundstein. “A hybrid approach for evaluating and predicting interactions between the seasonal snow pack and the atmosphere.” National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2002–2005.

Robinson, D.A., A. Frei, D.J. Leathers, and T. Mote (Co-PI). “Evaluation of snow water equivalent across grasslands regions.” National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1998–2001.

Of note:

Fellow, American Association of Geographers, 2019.
Fellow, American Meteorological Society, 2017.
Creative Research Medal, University of Georgia, 2013.
Fulbright Scholar to Brazil, 2008.
Outstanding Faculty Adviser, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, University of Georgia, 2004.

Courses Regularly Taught:
Selected Publications:

Mattingly, K., V. Turton, J. Wille, B. Noël, X. Fettweis, Å. Rennermalm, T. Mote, 2023: Increasing extreme melt in northeast Greenland linked to foehn winds and atmospheric rivers. Nature Communication, 14, 1743.

Moraes, F., T. Mote, and T. Rasmussen, 2023: The role of physical geography on Puerto Rico water budget and potential groundwater recharge. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 47, 101382.

Poinar, K., K. Mankoff, T. Moon, B. Loomis, X. Fettweis, R. Fausto, T. Mote, C. Jensen, A. Wehrlé, and M. Tedesco, 2023: Greenland ice sheet in “State of the Climate in 2022.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 109, S293–S296.

Preece, J., T. Mote, J. Cohen, L. Wachowicz, J. Knox, and M. Tedesco, 2023: Summer atmospheric circulation over Greenland in response to Arctic amplification and diminished spring snow cover. Nature Communication, 14, 3759.

Washington, B., L. Seymour, and T. Mote, 2023: Modeling general circulation model bias via a combination of localized regression and quantile mapping methods. Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology, and Oceanography, 9, 1–28.

Moraes, F., T. Mote, and L. Seymour, 2022: Ocean-atmosphere variability and drought in the Insular Caribbean. International Journal of Climatology, 42, 5016–5037.

Moon, T., K. Mankoff, R. Fausto, X. Fettweis, M. Tedesco, A. Wehrlé, B. Loomis, T. Mote, C. Jensen, N. Korsgaard, J. Box, J. Cappelen, and Ø. A. Winton, 2022: Greenland ice sheet in “State of the Climate in 2021.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103, S276– S259.

Preece, J., L. Wachowicz, T. Mote, M. Tedesco, and X. Fettweis, 2022: Summer Greenland blocking diversity and its impact on the surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035489.

Washington, B., L. Seymour, and T. Mote, 2022: Modeling general circulation model bias via a combination of localized regression and quantile mapping methods. Advances in Sta- tistical Climatology, Meteorology, and Oceanography (in press).

Hanna, E., J. Cappelen, X. Fettweis, S. Mernild, R. Motram, K. Steffen, T. Ballinger, T. Mote, and R. Hall, 2021: Greenland surface air temperature changes from 1981 to 2019 and impli- cations for future ice-sheet melt and mass-balance change. International Journal of Climatology, 41, E1336–E1352.

Henderson, G., B. Barrett, *L. Wachowicz, K. Mattingly, J. Preece, and T Mote, 2021: Local and remote atmospheric circulation drivers of Arctic change: A review. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 709869.

Miller, P., M. Williams, and T. Mote, 2021: Modeled atmospheric optical and thermodynamic responses to an exceptional trans-Atlantic dust outbreak. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD032909.

Moon, T., M. Tedesco, K. Mankoff, J. Box, J. Cappelen, R. Fausto, X. Fettweis, N. Korsgaard, B. Loomis, T. Mote, C. Reijmer, C. Smeets, D. van As, R. van de Wal, and Ø. Winton, 2021: Greenland ice sheet in “State of the Climate in 2020.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102, S257–S259.

Suriano, Z., D. Leathers, T. Mote, G. Henderson, T. Estilow, L. Wachowicz, D. Robinson, 2021: Declining North American snow cover ablation events. International Journal of Climatology, 41, 5213–5225.

Wachowicz, L., J. Preece, T. Mote, B. Barrett, and G. Henderson, 2021: Inconsistencies in historical trends of seasonal Greenland blocking under different blocking metrics. Interna- tional Journal of Climatology, 41, E3263-E3278.

Barrett, B., G. Henderson, E. McDonnell, M. Henry, and T. Mote, 2020: Extreme Greenland blocking and high-latitude moisture transport. Atmospheric Science Letters, i21, e1002.

Mattingly, K., T. Mote, X. Fettweis, D. van As, K. Van Tricht, S. Lhermitte, and C. Pettersen, 2020: Strong summer atmospheric rivers trigger Greenland ice sheet melt through spatially varying surface energy balance and cloud regimes. Journal of Climate, 33, 6809–6832.

Miller, P., T. Mote, A. Kumar, and D. Mishra, 2020: Systematic precipitation redistribution following a strong hurricane landfall. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 39, 861–872.

Moon, T., M. Tedesco, J. Andersen, J. Box, J. Cappelen, R. Fausto, X. Fettweis, B. Loomis, T. Mote, C. Reijmer, C. Smeets, D. van As, R. van de Wal, and Ø. Winton, 2020: Greenland ice sheet in “State of the Climate in 2019.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101, S257–S259.

Moraes, F., F. Aquino, T. Mote, J. Durkee, and K. Mattingly, 2020: Atmospheric characteristics favorable to the development of Mesoscale Convective Complexes in southern Brazil. Climate Research, 80, 43–58.

Wachowicz, L., T. Mote, and G.H enderson, 2020: A rain on snow climatology and temporal analysis for the eastern United States. Physical Geography, 41, 54–69.

Ballinger, T., T. Mote, K. Mattingly, A. Bliss, E. Hanna, D. van As, M. Prieto, S. Gharehchahi, X. Fettweis, B. Noël, P. Smeets, M. Ribergaard, and J. Cappelen, 2019: Greenland Ice Sheet late-season melt: Investigating multi-scale drivers of K-transect events. The Cryosphere, 13, 2241–2257.

Castelao, R., H. Luo, H. Oliver, Å. Rennermalm, M. Tedesco, A. Bracco, P. Yager, T. Mote, and P. Medeiros, 2019: Controls on the transport of meltwater from the southern Greenland ice sheet in the Labrador Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 3551–3560.

Francis D., C. Eayrs, J-P. Chaboureau, T. Mote, D. Holland, 2019: A meandering polar jet caused the development of a Saharan cyclone and the transport of dust toward Greenland, Advances in Science and Research, 1, 1–8.

Miller, P., A. Kumar., T. Mote, F. Moraes, and D. Mishra, 2019: Persistent hydrological con- sequences of Hurricane Maria and their coevolution with land surface recovery in Puerto Rico. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 1413–1422.

Miller, P., T. Mote, A. Kumar, and D. Mishra, 2019: Systematic precipitation redistribution following a strong hurricane landfall. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, in press.

Miller, P., T. Mote, and C. Ramseyer, 2019: An empirical study of the relationship between seasonal precipitation and thermodynamic environment in Puerto Rico. Weather and Forecasting, 34, 277–288.

Ramseyer, C., P. Miller, and T. Mote, 2019: Future precipitation variability during the early rainfall season in the El Yunque National Forest. Science of the Total Environment, 661, 326–336.

Berdahl, M., A. Rennermalm, A. Hamman, J. Mioduszweski, S. Hameed, M. Tedesco, J. Stroeve, T. Mote, T. Koyama, and J. McConnell, 2018: Southeast Greenland winter precipitation strongly linked to the Icelandic Low position. Journal of Climate, 31, 4483–4500. 

Hanna, E., R. Hall, T. Cropper, T. Ballinger, L. Wake, T. Mote, and J. Cappelen, 2018: Greenland Blocking Index daily series 1851-2015: analysis of changes in extremes and links with North Atlantic and UK climate variability and change. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 3546–3564. 

Mattingly, K., T. Mote, and X. Fettweis, 2018: Atmospheric river impacts on Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 8538–8560. 

McLeod, J., T. Ballinger, and T. Mote, 2018: Assessing the climatic and environmental impacts of mid-tropospheric anticyclones over Alaska. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 351–364. 

Miller, P., and T. Mote, 2018: The algorithmic detection of pulse thunderstorms within a large, mostly nonsevere sample. Meteorological Applications, 25, 629–641. 

Miller, P., and T. Mote, 2018: Detecting severe weather potential in low signal-to-noise ratio regimes: Weakly forced thunderstorm environments in the Southeast United States. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, 1261–1277. 

Miller, P., T. Mote, C. Ramseyer, A. Van Beusekom, M. Scholl, and G. Gonzalez, 2018: A 42-yr inference of cloud base height trends in the Luquillo Mountains of northeastern Puerto Rico. Climate Research, 76, 87–94. 

Oliver, H., H. Luo, R. Castelao, G. van Dijken, K. Mattingly, J. Rosen, T. Mote, K. Arrigo, A. Rennermalm, M. Tedesco and P. Yager, 2018: Exploring the potential impact of Greenland meltwater on stratification, photosynthetically active radiation, and primary production in the Labrador Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 2570–2591. 

Ramseyer, C., and T. Mote, 2018: Analyzing regional climate forcing on historical precipitation variability in northeast Puerto Rico. International Journal of Climatology, 38, e224–e236.

Washington, B., L. Seymour, T. Mote, and D. Robinson, 2018: Identifying and extracting a seasonal streamflow signal from remotely sensed snow cover in the Columbia River Basin. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, in press.

Arrigo, K., G. van Dijken, R. Castelao, H. Luo, Å. Rennermalm, M. Tedesco, T. Mote, H. Oliver and P. Yager, 2017: Melting glaciers stimulate large summer phytoplankton blooms in southwest Greenland waters. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 6278–6285.

Black, A., G. Villarini, and T. Mote, 2017: Effects of rainfall on vehicle crashes in six U.S. states. Weather, Climate, and Society, 9, 53–70.

Debbage, N., P. Miller, S. Poore, K. Morano, T. Mote, and J. Shepherd, 2017: A climatology of atmospheric river interactions with the Southeastern United States coastline. International Journal of Climatology, 37, 4077–4091.

Mattingly, K., and T. Mote, 2017: Variability in warm-season atmospheric circulation and precipitation pa erns over subtropical South America: Relationships between the South Atlantic Convergence Zone and large-scale organized convection over the La Plata basin. Climate Dynamics, 48, 241–263.

Miller, P., and T. Mote, 2017: Standardizing the definition of a “pulse” thunderstorm. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 905–913.

Miller, P., and T. Mote, 2017: A climatology of weakly forced and pulse thunderstorms in the Southeast United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56, 3017–3033.

Mote, T., C. Ramseyer, and P. Miller, 2017: e Saharan air layer as an early rainfall season suppressant in the Eastern Caribbean: The 2015 Puerto Rico drought. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 10,966-10,982.

Ramseyer, C., and T. Mote, 2017: Analyzing regional climate forcing on historical precipitation variability in northeast Puerto Rico. International Journal of Climatology, in press.

Kluver, D., T. Mote, D. Leathers, G. Henderson, W. Chan, and D. Robinson, 2016: Creation and validation of a comprehensive 1 degree gridded North American dataset: Snowfall. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33, 857–871.

Liu, J., Z. Chen, J. Francis, M. Song, T. Mote, and Y. Hu, 2016: Has Arctic Sea Ice Loss Contributed to Increased Surface Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet?. Journal of Climate, 29, 3373–3386.

Luo, H., R. Castelao, A. Rennermalm, M. Tedesco, A. Bracco, P. Yager, and T. Mote, 2016: Oceanic transport of surface meltwater from the southern Greenland ice sheet. Nature Geoscience, 9, 528–532.

Mattingly, K., C. Ramseyer, J. Rosen, T. Mote, and R. Muthyala. 2016: Increasing water vapor transport to the Greenland Ice Sheet revealed using self-organizing maps. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 9250–9258.

McLeod, J., and T. Mote, 2016: Linked interannual variability of extreme blocking episodes to the recent increase in summer melting across the Greenland ice sheet. International Journal of Climatology, 36, 1484–1499.

Mioduszewski, J., A. Rennermalm, A. Hammann, M. Tedesco, E. Noble, J. Stroeve, and T. Mote, 2016: Atmospheric drivers of Greenland surface melt revealed by self-organizing maps. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121, 5095–5114.

Ramseyer, C., and T. Mote, 2016: Atmospheric controls on Puerto Rico precipitation using artificial neural networks. Climate Dynamics, 47, 2515–2526.

Tedesco, M., T. Mote, X. Fettweis, E. Hanna, J. Jeyaratnam, J. Booth, R. Datta, and K. Briggs, 2016: Arctic cut-off high drives the poleward shift of a new Greenland melting record. Nature Communications, 7, 11723.

Underwood, S.J., M. Schultz, M. Berti, C. Gregoretti, A. Simoni, T. Mote, and A. Saylor, 2016: Atmospheric circulation patterns, cloud-to-ground lightning, and locally intense convective rainfall associated with debris flow initiation in the Dolomite Alps of northeastern Italy. Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Science, 16, 509–528.

Black, A., and T. Mote, 2015: Effects of winter precipitation on automobile collisions, injuries, and fatalities in the United States. Journal of Transport Geography, 48, 165–175.

Black, A., and T. Mote, 2015: Characteristics of winter-precipitation-related transportation fatalities in the United States. Weather, Climate and Society, 7, 133–145.

Gensini, V., and T. Mote, 2015: Downscaled estimates of late 21st century severe weather from CCSM3. Climatic Change, 129, 307–321.

Mattingly, K., J. McLeod, J.M. Shepherd, J. Knox, and T. Mote, 2015: A climatological assessment of Greenland blocking conditions associated with the track of Hurricane Sandy and historical North Atlantic hurricanes. International Journal of Climatology, 35, 746–760.

McLeod, J., and T. Mote, 2015: Assessing the role of precursor cyclones on the formation of extreme Greenland blocking episodes and their impact on summer melting across the Greenland ice sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120, 12,357–12,377.

McLeod, J., and T. Mote, 2015: Linked interannual variability of extreme blocking episodes to the recent increase in summer melting across the Greenland ice sheet. International Journal of Climatology, 36, 1484–1499.

Gensini, V., and T. Mote, 2014: Examination of historical hazardous convective weather using dynamical downscaling. Journal of Climate, 27, 6581–6589.

Gensini, V., T. Mote, and H. Brooks, 2014: Severe-thunderstorm reanalysis environments and collocated radiosonde observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 743–751.

Gensini, V., C. Ramseyer, and T. Mote, 2014: Future convective environments in the Southeast U.S. International Journal of Climatology, 22, 1034–1043.

Hanna, E., X. Fettweis, S. Mernild, J. Cappelen, M. Ribergaard, C. Shuman, K. Steffen, L. Wood, and T. Mote, 2014: Atmospheric and oceanic climate forcing of the exceptional Greenland Ice Sheet surface melt in summer 2012. International Journal of Climatology, 34, 1022–1037.

Mioduszewski, J., A. Rennermalm, D. Robinson, and T. Mote, 2014: Attribution of snow melt onset in northern Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119, 9638–9653.

Shepherd, J., A. Grundstein, and T. Mote, 2014: An analysis of seasonal biases in satellite and reanalysis rainfall products in the Savannah River basin. Physical Geography, 35, 181–194.

Tedesco, M., J. Box, J. Cappelen, X. Fettweis, T. Jensen, T. Mote, A. Rennermalm, L. Smith, R. van de Wal, and J. Wahr, 2014: Greenland ice sheet in “State of the Climate in 2013.”  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95, S136–S139.

Bedel, A., T. Mote, and S. Goodrick, 2013: Climate change and associated fire potential for the south-eastern United States in the 21st Century. International Journal of Wildland Fire, doi: 10.1071/WF13018.

Rennermalm, Å., S. Moustafa, J. Mioduszewski, V. Chu, R. Forster, B. Hagedorn, J. Harper, T. Mote, D. Robinson, C. Shuman, L. Smith, and M. Tedesco, 2013: Understanding Greenland ice sheet hydrology using an integrated multi-scale approach. Environmental Research Letters, 8, 015017.

Tedesco, M., X. Fettweis, T. Mote, J. Wahr, P. Alexander, J. Box, and B. Wouters, 2013: Evidence and analysis of 2012 Greenland records from spaceborne observations, a regional climate model and reanalysis data. The Cryosphere, 7, 615–630.

Zhao, H., K. Higuchi, J. Waller, H. Auld, and T. Mote, 2013: The impacts of the PNA and NAO on annual maximum snowpack over southern Canada during 1979–2009. International Journal of Climatology, 33, 388–395.

Shem, W., T. Mote, and J.M. Shepherd, 2012: Validation of NARCCAP temperature data for some forest sites in the southeast United States. Atmospheric Research, 13, 275–282.

Nghiem, S., D. Hall, T. Mote, M. Tedesco, M. Albert, K. Keegan, and N. DiGirolamo, 2012: The extreme melt across the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2012. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L20502.

Rennermalm, Å., A. Bring, and T. Mote, 2012: Spatial and scale dependent controls on North American pan-Arctic minimum river discharge. Geographical Analysis, 44, 202–218.

Mote, T., and E. Kutney, 2012: Regions of autumn Eurasian snow cover and associations with North American winter temperatures. International Journal of Climatology, 32, 1164–1177.

Mernild, S., T. Mote, and G.E. Liston, 2011: Greenland Ice Sheet surface melt extent and trends, 1960–2010, Journal of Glaciology, 57, 621-628.

Shepherd, J., and T. Mote, 2011: Can cities create their own snowfall?: What observations are required to find out? Earthzine, Urban Monitoring Special Theme Issue. 

Shepherd, J.M., T. Mote, J. Dowd, M. Roden, P. Knox, S. McCutcheon, and S. Nelson, 2011: An overview of synoptic and mesoscale factors contributing to the disastrous Atlanta flood of 2009. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 861–870.

Grundstein, A., and T. Mote, 2010: Trends in average snow depth across the western United States. Physical Geography, 31, 172–185.

Frye, J., and T. Mote, 2010: The synergistic relationship between soil moisture and the low-level jet and its role on the pre-storm environment in the southern Great Plains. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49, 775–791.

Frye, J., and T. Mote, 2010: Convective initiation along soil moisture boundaries in the southern Great Plains. Monthly Weather Review, 138, 1140–1151.

Durkee, J., and T. Mote, 2010: A climatology of warm-season mesoscale convective complexes in subtropical South America. International Journal of Climatology, 30, 418–431.

Woody, J., R. Lund, A. Grundstein, and T. Mote, 2009: A storage model approach to the assessment of snow depth trends. Water Resources Research, 45, W10426.

Lacke, M., T. Mote, and J.M. Shepherd, 2009: Aerosols and associated precipitation patterns in Atlanta. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 4359–4373.

Shepherd, J., D. Nyogi, and T. Mote, 2009: A seasonal-scale climatological analysis correlating spring tornadic activity with antecedent fall–winter drought in the southeastern United States. Environmental Research Letters, 024012.

Durkee, J., and T. Mote, 2009: The contribution of mesoscale convective complexes to the hydroclimate of subtropical South America. Journal of Climate, 22, 4590–4605.

Mote, T., 2008: On the role of snow cover in depressing air temperature. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 2008–2022.

Grundstein, A., S. Sarnat, M. Klein, J.M. Shepherd, L. Naeher, T. Mote, and P. Tolbert, 2008: Thunderstorm associated asthma in Atlanta, Georgia. Thorax, 63, 659–660.

Durkee, J., J. Frye, C. Fuhrmann, M. Lacke, H. Jeong, and T. Mote, 2008: Effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation on precipitation-type frequency and distribution in the eastern United States. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 91, 51–65.

Mote, T., 2007: Greenland surface melt trends 1973-2007:  Evidence of a large increase in 2007. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L22507.

Mote, T., M. Lacke, and J.M. Shepherd, 2007: Radar signatures of the urban effect on precipitation distribution:  A case study for Atlanta, Georgia. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L20710.

Dyer, J., and T. Mote, 2007: Trends in snow ablation over North America. International Journal of Climatology, 27, 739–748.

Ashley, W., T. Mote, and M. Bentley, 2007: The extensive episode of derecho-producing convective systems in the United States during May and June 1998: A multiscale analysis and review. Meteorological Applications, 14, 227–244.

Rasmussen, T., and T. Mote, 2007: Monitoring surface and subsurface water storage using confined aquifer water levels at the Savannah River Site, USA. Vadose Zone Journal, 6, 327–335.

Shepherd, J., A. Grundstein, and T. Mote, 2007: Quantifying the contribution of tropical cyclones to extreme rainfall along the coastal southeastern United States. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L23810.

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