Image: Jada Smith, who was a First Honor graduate (BS in atmosphericsciences) of UGA in Spring 2023, is the lone recipient of the 2023June Bacon-Bercey Scholarship from the American GeophysicalUnion (AGU), the world's largest professional society devoted to thegeophysical sciences. This scholarship is named after the first female broadcast meteorologist in the U.S. (and the first African-American broadcast meteorologist), who personally endowed the first version of this scholarship. Jada is the 2nd student honored withthis scholarship since it was restarted. With the Fall semester in full swing,our community will remain busy asfaculty, staff, students, and visitorsnavigate our campus. Prioritize yourtransportation safety and the safetyof other's by checking out the WatchFor Dawgs official website. Kelly Neighbour, who is a senior at UGA triple majoring inatmospheric sciences and geography (B.S. & A.B.), is the recipient ofa Senior Named Scholarship from the American MeteorologicalSociety. She won the Naval Weather Service AssociationScholarship. Kelly is pursuing the Double Dawgs program inAtmospheric Sciences and Geography. She is the 11th recipient ofan AMS undergraduate scholarship in the history of our atmosphericsciences program. This is also the sixth year in a row that UGA hashad a winner of an undergraduate scholarship from the AMS.Jada is using this scholarship to support her work toward a Master's degree in emergencymanagement from Millersville University. In addition to triple-majoring, Kelly is currently working towards an undergraduate GIScertificate and plans to enter the DoubleDawgs program shortly.Out of the 70 different colleges and universities whose students have wonundergraduate scholarships from the AMS since 2018, only two universities, UGA andthe University of Oklahoma, have had winners in each of the past six years.In terms of the number of AMS undergraduate scholarships, UGA students haveearned 7 in the past six years, and this is tied for 4th most out of the 70 schools,behind only OU, Penn State, and Cornell, and tied with Florida State University. OU andPenn State are the two largest meteorology programs in the nation, with at least 4times more undergraduates than UGA's program; and Cornell is the only Ivy Leagueschool with an atmospheric sciences program.All seven of the UGA recipients are women, and three are African-American or biracialwomen. Type of News/Audience: ATSC News