Image: On Monday, October 3rd, a temporary "living" mosaic was created at Memorial Hall Plaza to honor the former Linnentown neighborhood. UGA Geography professor Dr. Jennifer Rice collaborated with students in Dr. Lynn-Sanders Bustle's First Year Odyssey (FYO) Art and Activism class on the event. Students, faculty, staff, and community members gathered together to place pieces of tile, mirror, clay medallions, and found objects in the image of a Linnentown home that depicted the vibrancy of the neighborhood. Then, at the end of the event, the mosaic was de-installed (removed) as Ms. Hattie Thomas Whitehead read the names of Linnentown descendants, symbolizing the community's erasure. A key aspect of the event was to show support for the mosaic for which the permanent installation at Baxter and Finley is currently being blocked by USG. Type of News/Audience: General News Newsletter Story Stories from the Field The Graticule Weekly- October 14th, 2022