UGA Geography Ph.D. student ChintanManiyar has been named a recipient ofNASA’s early career fellowship. The$150,000 fellowship, known as the FutureInvestigators in NASA Earth and SpaceScience and Technology (FINNEST), acceptsproposals for graduate student-designedresearch projects that contribute to ScienceMission Directorate’s science, technology,and exploration goals. Maniyar and projectP.I. Deepak Mishra were one of 53 awardeesselected for their proposal, "Detection,Driver-Response Analysis, and Forecasting ofCyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms inInland Waters Under a Changing Climate." "The negative health consequences associated with cyanobacterial harmful algae blooms(CyanoHABs) are expected to disproportionately impact populations that are intimatelyassociated with and directly dependent upon water resources and are thus more likely toencounter CyanoHABs," said Mishra, Merle C. Prunty, Jr. Professor & associate head of thedepartment of geography. "Continuous monitoring and information dissemination are key totackling the challenge. Chintan’s proposed modeling framework will apply to a broad rangeof inland waterbodies worldwide.""The results and tools from this project will not only provide means for continuousmonitoring and early warning of CyanoHABs, but will also help understand the long-termevolution of CyanoHABs under a changing climate and their functioning in a more localizedway for inland waterbodies," he said. Read the full press release here! The project aims to fuse earth observation and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques todevelop an integrated model for near-real time monitoring, quantification, and forecastingof CyanoHABs.