Photo: Graduate Student Contact info Email: • Geospatial Data Scientist with experience applying multiple satellite, instrumental and biogeochemical datasets to Climate and Environmental analysis. Currently finishing a MSc in Geography at UGA and interested in working in the GIS and Data Science industry in the U.S. • Has experience working and studying in several international institutions in the U.S., Portugal and Brazil, such as UGA, FIT, International University of the Peripheries, University of the Azores, Federal and Estadual Universities of Ceará. • Being from the Brazilian Semiarid, where a considerable portion of the population relies on rainfed agriculture, is also completely passionate about working with the relationship between Climate and Agriculture Worldwide. • Works with several programing languages like JavaScript, Python, R, and also with GIS platforms such as ArcGIS, QGIS and Google Earth Engine. • Contributed with the UNIPERIFERIAS for the implementation of the INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF THE PERIPHERIES, a multilingual platform that utilizes WebMapping and brings together peripheral researchers from all over the World with the aim of establishing a network of generous collaboration and opportunities among its members. Education Education: BSc - Oceanography - 2018 - Federal University of Ceara (UFC) Specialist - Geoprocessing Applied to the Environmental Analysis and Water Resourcers - 2020 - Estadual University of Ceara (UECE)