Photo: Post-Doctoral Research Scientist Contact info Research Interests: Numerical Weather Prediction - the use of computers to predict and emulate weather, as well as the measurement of the predictability thereof. Micrometeorology - the study of atmospheric phenomena less than 1 km, such as small-scale turbulence. Tropical Cyclones/Hurricanes - my research focuses primarily on tropical cyclones that uniquely interact with the land surface. Air Quality - small changes to the composition of the atmosphere that are directly influential to human health. Atmospheric Dynamics - forces that govern atmospheric motion, and the equations that represent them. CV: CV_ThomasAndrew_January2021.pdf (90.32 KB) Graduates on the Job Market: Hired Hired by: U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River National Laboratory Education Education: Ph.D. M.S. in Meteorology from The Pennsylvania State University B.S. in Meteorology from The Pennsylvania State University Dissertation/Thesis Title: Inland intensification of Tropical Cyclones: Theory, Modeling, and Climatology Research Selected Publications: Thomas, A. M., A. K. Huff, X. Hu, and F. Zhang, 2019: Quantifying Uncertainties of Ground‐Level Ozone within WRF‐Chem Simulations in the Mid‐Atlantic Region of the United States as a Response to Variability. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 2018MS001457, doi:10.1029/2018MS001457.