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People, Place, and Identity

People, Place and Identity

The human geography program at the University of Georgia is ranked in the top 20 programs in North America, and its faculty has been ranked as themost productive of any department in the nation.

The research interests of the Human Geography faculty focus upon how economic, political, and social practices are shaped by place and location and how, in turn, such practices shape the ways in which economic, political, and social landscapes are produced. Although members of the faculty engage in empirical research upon a wide range of issues using a variety of methodological and theoretical approaches, they share a critical engagement with issues of social justice.

Faculty members conduct research in the areas of urbanization and community processes, social and environmental justice, political participation and resistance, migration and transnationalism, globalization and workers, and nature and scociety. The Human Geography faculty have conducted research in North America, the Czech and Slovak Republics, South Africa, Tanzania, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Ecuador, India, and China. The Human Geography program at the University of Georgia is ranked in the top 20 programs in North America, and its faculty has been ranked as the most productive of any department in the nation.

The Human Geography faculty has close linkages with several other departments and centers on campus, including the School of Public and International Affairs, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the African Studies Institute, the Women's Studies Institute, the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Sociology. Faculty members are also heavily involved in international education, running study abroad programs in Paris, Tanzania, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Australia, Croatia, and Egypt. Such programs involve both traditional classroom learning and service learning activities.

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Montology, Neotropical mountains, critical biogeography, political ecology, socioecological landscapes and seascapes. Current projects dealing with climate change adaptation, mountainscape conservation, ecological legacies, and restoration of Tropandean landscapes.

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